Scientific Program
Day 1 :
- Applied Nursing Research | Nursing | Adult Health Nursing
Location: Paris, France
Session Introduction
Lakel Ebb
CEO of The Wealthy Nurse Institute, USA
Title: Nurses Elevate your Expertise Beyond the Bedside!

Nurses are overworked, underpaid and lack the flexibility and freedom to have a satisfying work life balance. There are an increasing number of nurses who are with using their talents and expertise to transition into entrepreneurship. This transition from what we know as traditional nursing has become the new aged business model for nursing practice. The current state of healthcare in the United States and the climate of healthcare reform have led nurse entrepreneurs to focus on alternative models of care to provide patients and clients with a higher quality of life at more affordable prices and often with quicker access. This presentation will address how nurses leverage and transform their expertise into a profitable business. Going from the bedside into business can be challenging and many nurses need a proven system on how to use their skills and ideas to build a solid foundation for business. The Wealthy Nurse Business system teaches nurses how to leverage their nursing knowledge into a product or service that they can sell to increase their influence.

Formal nursing education in Nepal started only in 1972 when the Tribhuvan University opened few nursing schools under public sector in Institute of Medicine, reached now more than 400 in number, of which more than 95% are private sector across the country. Growing number of nursing schools as the result of growing demands of prospective nurses, make nursing profession as one of the most sought-after job and more rewarding job among girl students in Nepal. Since the past few years, nursing education has been a heartthrob of most of the Nepalese female students. Moreover, demand of well-trained nurses is ever increasing globally.
George W. Contreras
New York Medical College, USA
Title: Nursing Disaster Preparedness for Mass Casualty Incidents: Lessons Learned from a Multi-dimensional Approach in New York

Professor Contreras is a healthcare professional and established educator with over twenty-eight years of experience in the fields of emergency medical services, disaster management, public health, higher education, international disaster response, and health services administration. He currently serves as Assistant Director of the Center for Disaster Medicine at New York Medical College, Assistant Professor at The Institute of Public Health and Assistant Director of the Advanced Certificate in Emergency Management. Prior to his current role, he served as tenured Associate Professor and Director of Allied Health at Kingsborough Community College of the City University of New York, the largest urban public education system in the United States. He is adjunct professor at Metropolitan College of New York’s (MCNY) Master of Public Administration (MPA) in Emergency and Disaster Management. He is also adjunct Associate Professor in the Master of Science in Emergency Management at John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
Recent mass shooting incident events such as the El Paso Walmart, Dayton, Gilroy Garlic Festival, Las Vegas concert, Orlando Pulse nightclub, Parkland high school, and the Sutherland Springs Baptist Church remind us the importance of hospitals’ preparedness in order to initially manage a large number of patients in a short period of time. Prehospital care has methods to manage a large number of patients and assess their transport priority through various triage models such as START, SALT and JUMPSTART. Upon arrival to the hospital, however, clinicians (physicians and nurses) must then quickly determine how to best assess and provide life-saving interventions based on limited immediate resources (e.g. staff, ventilators, operating rooms, patient treatment areas) available to them. All hospital staff need to be prepared to act quickly to receive a large number of patients at any time.
- Nursing Career and Education | Public Health Nursing | Primary Care Nursing
Session Introduction
Title: The prevalence of intoxications in pediatric ages in pediatric repart of Vlora Hospital

Introduction In our daily life we use o lot of chimicals substances that in general they become an intoxication recourse in adults but mostly in pediatric ages. Their maintaing in bad conditions or bad using of them may result in intoxication of pediatric ages.This axidentaly intoxication are most frequently in children of 5 years old,but especially in childrens from 1-3 years old.
Intoxication in children can be a very severe situation,situation in whiches they can even dies.
Intoxication means a pathologic situation caused by an ekzogenic or endogenic substance that can be toxic because of its natyre or its dosage.
The Aim The evalution of frequency and distribution of intoxications refering to their place of living,age,gender in pediatric repart of Vlora hospital in aim to clarify the etiology. General objectiv dhe specific objectivs. The evalution of frequency and distribution of intoxications The spread of the cases that came in hospital during all the months of the year The evalution of the months during the whiches intoxication has been much often. The evalution of the number of childrens because of each causes Which has been the ages must often with intoxication
The material and the method This is a description study realized from January up to December 2008-2010 in pediatric repart of vlora hospital.The objective of the material and the method that has been used is to study all the clinical carts of the hospitalizied childrens with this diagnose and the distribution of them during all the months of the year,the causes,the percent of the cases of each cause.
The results The total number of the cases for the period that has been realized this study is 463 cases. The causes and the number of the children respecting each case are:medications 8 cases,Hg 1 case,alcohol 7 cases,benzen 3 cases,defferent detergents 3 cases.pesticides 3 cases,aceton 3 cases. At the top are the alimentary intoxications with 34 cases.The most frequently ages are from 4 up to 14 years old during August and September.
ConclusionsFrom all the facts that have been more evident during this study we can say that intoxications are a very great disturbing for pediatric ages especially for this period,August and September
So as the result we can say that during the summer the number of cases that has taken assistance in hospital has been much more than the other months,especially during august.
We can also say that September is another great preoccupation about the childrens.Another fact very evident is also that the alimentary cause is must often in this ages,and after this are the intoxications because of different medications.Also,refering to the age factor we can say that the number of the childrens from 0-1 years old is very low,only during 2009-2010 we have 2 case,because of the way of feeding(breast feeding).For the children from 1-4 years old we have a very high number of cases.The reason maybe that in this age the childrens begin to explorate the world

Nursing shortage is now becoming a global phenomenon (Walker, 2010), with a projected need of 1.09 million nurses by 2024 in the US and a current shortage of 42,000 nurses in UK (Campbell, 2017). According to DoH (2017), UAE will require 16,158 nurses by 2025. With the aim of developing a more sustainable solution for nursing shortage, the researcher developed a pediatric learning module to upskill adult-trained nurses and conducted this study to determine its effectiveness. The researcher utilized Solomon 4-Group Design to determine who will be assigned to receive the pretest, module and posttest. Data was collected using a test questionnaire and competency assessment checklists. Results were subjected to descriptive statistics and factorial analysis of covariance to assess if the demographic variables affect their level of knowledge and competency. Results revealed that the module was successfully developed using the five stages of ADDIE Model namely: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. Majority of the respondents are married Asian females in their early adulthood, holding bachelor’s degree in nursing, with less than 5 years of experience. Factorial analysis revealed that demographic variables did not influence their level of knowledge and competency (p>0.5). The study also showed that the mean knowledge and competency levels of adult-trained nurses who received the module are significantly higher compared to those who did not undergo the module. Furthermore, the study revealed that there is a significant difference on the knowledge and competency levels between adult-trained nurses who used and did not use the pediatric module.

A descriptive crossâ€sectional study design was carried out with the aim to determine the knowledge and practice of nurses towards care and maintenance of peripheral intravenous cannulation (PIC) and to find out what obstacles encountered in caring and maintaining IV cannulas. As PIC is a common as well as very important procedure performed by nurses in every hospital and closely associated with the risk of nosocomial infections if standard care is not provided. Nurses' knowledge and practice towards care and maintenance of PIC were assessed using a validated semiâ€structured self†administered questionnaire through the census method. Data were analysed through SPSS program. The comparison was done between knowledge and practice.
The findings revealed that 84.72% respondents were doing correct practices despite the fact that only 82.47% respondents had proper knowledge. Most nurses have good knowledge of caring and maintaining peripheral intravenous cannulation but there were some without proper knowledge and practice. This could be a potential risk factor for patient safety. The study shows that there is no any correlation between knowledge and the practices. There are so many other factors, which are directly or indirectly affecting on the standard of the care.